LA(H)B is an academic
and professional space for investigating new responses to
the architectural requirements
of contemporary and future healthcare buildings.
In recent years the understanding of medicine as limited only to the treatment of illness has been replaced by an increasing focus on working towards its prevention. There is a growing interest in exploring ways of providing medical care within a system that encourages wellness and which is based on the premise that the physical environment in which we live is fundamental to our wellbeing.
Innovative design for hospitals and healthcare centers is essential in order to find new responses to this problem. Envisaging and constructing healthy communities and cities must be the basis for these responses, and healthcare architecture goes hand in hand with this endeavor. At the same time it is vital to develop networked healthcare strategies, which are made up of general and specialist hospitals as well as healthcare centers of varying complexity, all integrated into an interrelated system.
Through its academic program of innovative hospital design and research projects dealing with diverse issues and programs, the LA(H)B is generating new visions and knowledge about the present and future of healthcare buildings.
“Like medicine, (architecture) must move from the curative to the preventive.”