Barcelona, Spain
Currently Gabriela Martínez is working in Barcelona as an architect in the Catalan Health Service (Servei Català de la Salut CatSalut) in the design and construction of hospitals in Catalonia.
"I decided to enroll in the postgraduate course of the LA(H)B because a job opportunity related to healthcare architecture presented itself and I wanted to accept the challenge. So I chose to train in this specific subject so that I would be capable of carrying out the project successfully."
"Professionally, the course gave me the security to accept the challenge of designing four clinics in Asia and one in Russia for an international private insurance company. In turn, this experience has given me the opportunity to work in the position I currently hold. On a personal level, during the course, I felt transported back to when I was studying in architecture school with the adrenaline that comes with designing and presenting a project in record time, along with your colleagues who go from being strangers to great friends. The course is really intense and you learn both the theoretical part as well as the practical part with the workshop project and the visits to the hospitals."
Gabriela Martínez was born in Madrid where she received her degree in architecture from the Escuela Técnica Superior de Madrid ETSAM. She now lives in Barcelona and in 2016 she enrolled in the second edition of the postgraduate course Hospital Architecture for the 21st Century. Gabriela returned to the LA(H)B in 2017 and 2018 to participate in the project workshops as a guest critic.